Middle School Letter for Families

Dear Middle School Families,

As we kick off a new year at Schalmont Middle School, we would like to emphasize the vital role that parent involvement plays in your child’s education and overall school experience.

At Schalmont Middle School, we believe that education is a collaborative effort between students, teachers, and home. Your active involvement and support are invaluable in helping your child succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. Here are some key reasons why parent involvement is so important:

    • Enhanced Academic Success: Encouragement from home, assistance with homework, and regular communication with teachers can significantly impact your child’s academic achievements.
    • Positive School Environment: A strong partnership between home and the school fosters a welcoming and supportive atmosphere. This sense of community benefits all students and encourages a love for learning.
    • Improved Behavior and Attendance: Students whose families are involved in their education are more likely to exhibit positive behavior and have better attendance records. Your active participation reinforces the importance of school attendance and a respectful school environment.
    • Better Communication: Family involvement enables open lines of communication between home and school. This communication allows us to work together to address any challenges your child may face and celebrate their successes.
    • Role Modeling: Your involvement in school activities and events sets a positive example for your child. It demonstrates the importance of education and lifelong learning.

To facilitate and encourage parent involvement, we have several initiatives and opportunities planned for the upcoming school year in which we will be looking for volunteers and parent involvement. Please see and complete the Google Form below if you would be willing to help out. If selected, you will be contacted with further details. There will be many opportunities throughout the year for family involvement and your time and support is invaluable!

Green arrow pointing right Volunteer Sign Up Form

We want to emphasize that family involvement can take many forms, and we appreciate any level of engagement you can offer. Whether you can volunteer your time, attend meetings, or simply stay informed about your child’s education, your contribution is meaningful and valued.

We look forward to a successful and rewarding school year, and we encourage you to actively participate in your child’s educational journey. Together, we can provide the support and guidance necessary for our students to excel and reach their full potential.

Thank you for your continued partnership and commitment to the success of our students.


R. Scott Ziomek

Julie Umar
Assistant Principal