Middle School Picture Day Info

Schalmont Middle School’s Picture Day will take place Tuesday, October 1. Picture Make-Up Day will take place Friday, November 22. Families can order photos at www.adirondackschoolportraits.com using code “24SHLMT”. If you have any questions, please call the Main Office at 518-355-6110. Thank you.

Middle School Holds Club Fair

Schalmont Middle School students learned about clubs and activities available to them during Tuesday’s annual Club Fair. During school lunches, School Counselors Mrs. Romano and Mrs. Schrepper talked with students about opportunities such as A/V Tech Club, Chef’s Club and Sabre Nation. See more photos on our Flickr page. For more information about what clubs …

Stay Connected Through ParentSquare

Schalmont families, faculty and staff are encouraged to register with ParentSquare, our new district communication platform! ParentSquare allows us to continue to send texts, emails and automated phone calls to our families and staff. It also provides a free app and the ability for families to submit absence notes using an electronic form, instead of …

Download the StopFinder App

Schalmont would like to remind families that they can track their child’s bus arrival in real-time and receive bus alerts with the free Stopfinder app. Parents and guardians just need to email Assistant Transportation Supervisor Jessica Warner at jwarner@schalmont.net so she can email you the registration invitation (this step is required to ensure only parents …

Congrats Honor Choirs Students!

Congratulations to our students who participated in the New York American Choral Directors Association Honor Choirs this month! Elementary Honor Choir 🎵 Catherine Adelmann 🎵 Brayden Bishop 🎵 Ava Gibbs 🎵 Maya Harding 🎵 Hannah LeRoy 🎵 David Kane 🎵 Sebastian LuBrant-Lee 🎵 Lincoln Mau 🎵 Mackenzie McHugh 🎵 Kayla Radley 🎵 Avery Roddy 🎵 …

School Meals Free for Students in 2024-25

Schalmont is pleased to share with our families that all school lunches and breakfasts will be free again for the 2024-25 school year! Schalmont applied for additional funding available to schools through the National School Lunch and Breakfast program. Those funds were approved for the 2024-25 school year as well. Student cafeteria accounts can still …

Middle School Mid-Summer Letter

Hello Schalmont Middle School Students and Families, I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. It is hard to believe that July is coming to an end and the start of the new school year is right around the corner. Included you will find some updates and information for the new school year that should …

Letter About New MS & HS Leadership

Dear Schalmont families, I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer! We want to update our families about a change in our school leadership next year that will bring our Middle and High School closer together, create more opportunities for our students, and strengthen our curriculum district-wide. Instead of simply hiring another Middle School principal, …

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