Traffic Improvements Finish Up

New traffic circle

The Schalmont Middle & High School campus reopened this week as Capital Project work that improves traffic flow and safety finishes up.

A new traffic circle improves safety at the intersection near the bus loop exit and should move traffic more steadily through the campus. Traffic medians also now separate the student and staff parking lots from the roadway to create a smoother, safer route to the rear area of the campus.

New parking lot

Paving and painting also finished up at Jefferson Elementary’s K-2 entrance this week. Traffic medians now separate the parking area from the pick-up/drop-off lanes, which should make arrival and dismissal quicker and safer for families. The sidewalk near the school was also extended to allow more families to pick up or drop off. Sidewalk was also added along Ford Avenue past the playground.

Capital Project work to install air conditioning in classrooms and instructional areas continues, although supply delays for items like electrical panels and a transformer means work will be completed later in the school year. Work will be done during non-school hours to minimize any impacts on the school day.

New parking lot