Schalmont Receives Best Fiscal Stress Score

The NYS Comptroller’s Office recently informed Schalmont that it received the best possible score on its annual Fiscal Stress Monitoring System report. Each year, the Comptroller’s Office reviews each school district’s financial information to assess fiscal challenges such as operating deficits, fund balance and cash flow. “It’s reassuring to have an outside agency review our …

Sculpture Class Creates Desserts for Canali’s

Those delicious looking desserts in these photos are actually sculptures that High School students in Mrs. Mulkerrin’s Sculpture class created! Students made the dessert replicas for Canali’s Restaurant, which will use them as a display in their local restaurant to show the desserts they offer. Canali’s Restaurant was so appreciative that one of their managers, …

Student Recognized for Helping Classmate

Schalmont could not be prouder of 8th grader Rosemary Harrington who was recognized Thursday for her incredibly quick response to helping a classmate during a recent medical event in school. Rosemary was given a Making a Difference Award from the Rotterdam Police Department Police Benevolent Association after she immediately sought help for a classmate who …

Peter Gorman Is Spelling Bee Champ

Congratulations to 5th grader Peter Gorman III who won this year’s Middle School Spelling Bee Wednesday evening, correctly spelling the final word “tenets”. The competition lasted 18 rounds with 7th grader Liam Anderson finishing second. Peter will represent Schalmont in the 2023 Capital Region Spelling Bee. “Congratulations to all who participated. You are to be …

NYSSMA Registration Info Available

Regular NYSSMA Solo Festival & Piano NYSSMA registration information is now available for all Schalmont music students. Please read through the NYSSMA Registration Instructions in order to register your student for Regular Solo NYSSMA and/or Piano NYSSMA. These are two separate festivals and registrations. Any questions, please email Music Department Coordinator Mike Christy at

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