Schalmont’s Counseling Center supports our students and families by offering guidance in areas of academics, college search process, career planning and others. If students or families ever have a question, please contact your Counselor for help.
Each student at Schalmont High School is assigned a counselor.
Kate Choi
518-355-6110 ext. 3038
Grade 11 and Grade 12 M-Z
Kylie Gibbs
518-355-6110 ext. 3040
Grades 9 and 12:1:1
Greg Loiacono
518-355-6110 ext. 3049
Grade 10 and Grade 12 A-L
Kathie McKeon, Secretary
518-355-6110 ext. 3047
Fax: 518-631-2169
Transcript Requests for Graduates
Graduates who need a transcript should contact Ms. McKeon using the contact information above.
Scholarships and Financial Aid Information
Information about scholarships and financial aid resources available to families is available here.
Mental Health Resources
School Counselors have created helpful Mental Health Resources for students and families. If you ever have an immediate question or concern, please make sure to reach out to your school counselor.
Working Papers
Students ages 14 to 17 can obtain working papers in the Counseling, College and Career Center. A parent-completed application is required and students must have a valid physical dated within one year of the application. This must be completed before the end of the school year. An Application for Employment Certificate is available here (you only need to fill out Part I) or please see Ms. McKeon.
ACE Mentor Program
The ACE (Architecture, Construction & Engineering) Mentor Program is open to any high school students interested in learning about a career in design and construction. More information on their website.