John Gray Visits Jefferson Elementary

Individual reading to kindergarten students

Local news anchor and author John Gray visited Jefferson Elementary Tuesday to read to kindergartners, sharing his latest book “Sweet Polly Petals,” one of three children’s books he has written.

After reading the book, Mr. Gray talked with students about themes in the book such as kindness and caring for others. He then answered many student questions from how he created characters in the story to how he chose an illustrator for the book.

Mr. Gray praised students for how well they listened and told them how thankful they should be that they attend such a great school district with teachers who care so much about them. He encouraged students to be kind and think of one thing they could do that day to help someone.

“You don’t need magic to help other people, you can do it all on your own,” he told students.

Thank you Mr. Gray for spending time with our students!

View more photos from the literary event.

Students sitting on the floor